Streaming is, in layman’s words, the ability to transfer data between source and destination with the goal of producing a steady, continuous flow of data that leads to a smooth destination. Radio is the most common form of data transmission. You could enjoy good music and clear reading of the evening news if your antenna was pointed at exactly that point. You were treated with white noise, or an announcer who made it sound like he was suffering from a bad case.
This technology is becoming more common as users increasingly prefer to access music, videos, and news online. Due to data charges and bandwidth limitations, downloading large files is not recommended. A web user can access a website via a browser or by installing a plug-in. He watches the movie as it is loaded onto his computer. Any data that is not in a watchable format is buffered until it is needed. The viewer will be subject to a disrupted movie if the data is not available quickly enough. The servers that convert data for transmission and internet bandwidth are crucial to ensure streaming works to its full potential. Data must be presented in uncompressed format to ensure high quality streaming. This usually means that there is a lot of data.
While the entertainment industry is the most prominent in pushing this type of technology, other media types have also joined the fray. Students who were previously unable to access the most recent education materials or techniques have now been able to gain knowledge and exposure. Video sharing sites are a new trend, arising out of man’s insatiable desire to share information with others and friends. Many upload videos to these websites, regardless of whether they are for entertainment or humiliation. These sites can be used as marketing tools or unofficial advertisements for many people who want to get into the highly guarded worlds in arts and sciences. These videos have received high popularity votes and hits due to their originality.
This technology has provided significant benefits to the medical industry as it allows for procedures to be performed in full view of both internal and external audiences. Sometimes, less experienced staff can perform diagnosis and treatment while being supervised by more experienced colleagues via live broadcast. These efforts require sufficient internet bandwidth.